Saturday, January 24, 2009


Wow! What a week. I was glued to my television set on Tuesday. What an amazing day in history to watch. There was a line to a song sang at the Neighborhood Ball that night and it said "And Martin wasn't dreaming for nothing". I was laying on the couch with Brooklyn in my lap and tears just flowing. Like I said, what a day in history to watch.
Scott was off yesterday and we were going to grab sushi together but he got called in to the studio to help with a problem another studio was having. This is the same thing that happened on Thursday. Thankfully they were pretty enjoyable days for him
Brooklyn had a friend over last night and the girls spent the majority of the times playing with B's Ponyville land. After dinner I made the girls popcorn and let them watch an episode of Punky Brewster. Man, I still love that show!
I've been doing timed math tests with Brooklyn during homework time this week. Usually we do 1 page of homework, write out sight words and then do a sight words test. I decided to include the timed tests as she gets tested twice a week on them and I thought she could use the help. Wednesday night I gave her a test on her 6's. In five minutes she got them all done except 3. On Thursday I gave her the exact same test but she had had cookies at school about 6 hours earlier because of someone's birthday. This time she didn't even get half of the problems done in the same amount of time and even missed a few she did finish! The next day her teacher gave her the same tests and not only did she finish in time but she got them all right. Things like that make me wonder how many kids are on medicine for ADHD or ADD only the real problem is sugar. It makes me want to go to the schools and discuss with the board about getting sugar out of the schools. I am baffled by this issue. I am also baffled by how many times children are rewarded with candy at school. I have brought in sugar free candies each year but even with that, aren't we doing a disservice to our children by teaching them that eating junk food is a reward?
Okay, off my soapbox. This weekend we are all home so we will be enjoying that. I have a WW meeting this morning and then we will be enjoying the day out together! Hope you all have a great Sat.

1 comment:

April Stilwell said...

You are exactly right!!! I worry about when our kids get to school. School doesn't offer soy milk as an option for beverage and I DESPISE chocolate milk (can you say HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP???). But obviously if my kids have a choice,they will probably choose that! Parker gets excited for a Fig Newton. He just doesn't know the difference because sugar is limited here. I can't imagine what is going to happen when he's unleashed in the school world. YIKES! He's hyper how it is. Amber-- I would get involved! I know when I taught in Texas there were strict rules on food/sugar and no sharing any food. Okay, my rant is over as well.