Sunday, January 11, 2009

Grab a chair, it's been awhile.

Happy New Year All! I hope everyone had fantastic holidays! We most certainly did. This was the first year that we have stayed in Nashville on Christmas morning so it was extra wonderful. Brooklyn is 6 now and I want to create those memories of holidays at home!Our Christmas with my mom really was the best yet. I have grown up having Christmas with her so it was fun to have her here to have Christmas with us. I enjoyed her visit so much as we got in lots of girl time. Brooklyn really made out as she brought a santa's sack full of toys for her. Christmas morning Brooklyn ran in and of course woke us up with a "Merry Christmas!!!" I think it was 6 am. Brooklyn is an organized child about most things so she immediately ran to the tree and sorted everyone's presents into piles. I have to say I was so excited about everything Scott and Brooklyn were getting that I hadn't bothered to really guess what I might be getting. I was BLOWN away!! Brooklyn made me such wonderful gifts including a blue christmas bulb with her fingerprints in white which she painted into snowmen. Scott makes me an annual photo book which he has printed up as well as a DVD of the year's Scott and Brooklyn shows. I love these gifts! This year he also got me new pots and pans(YEA!!!!) and tickets to an adventure race for New Years Eve. Plus, Scott's mother got me my Kitchen Aid mixer! I have been wanting one for years. For me, this Christmas was filled with great memories and moments. Plus we've really been enjoying all the gifts. Brooklyn got some great new games that we have been playing about everyday! Cadoo is SO fun. Scott's mom sent us a box of other christmas candy, gifts and stuffed stockings which came late so it was like another day of Christmas! After all of this I thought Brooklyn might need to get rid of all her old toys to make room for the new ones but she still had Christmas at her other Grandparents! Whew. Scott and I met them halfway and B stayed in Indiana for a week after Christmas and came back with SO much more. She had a great week up there.
I always HATE when she is gone but I really tried to enjoy the time. Scott and I went to the movies a couple of times, went out to eat a lot, had a dinner date at home and really had a lot fun together. It was one of those weeks that really rejuvenated our relationship. We spent one afternoon running the dogs at the humane society....actually RUNNING. Those dogs love the moment you open the door, they shoot off like rockets and you better hold on tight! Sadly, I got sick on NYE and we couldn't do our race. Thankfully they are planning on doing another around St. Patrick's Day so we can transfer our tickets.
On Jan. 2 we went to Indiana to pick up B and go to a family reunion. My mom's side hasn't really gotten together since my grandma passed a couple of years ago so it was nice to see everyone. Plus, my aunt and uncle are heading back to Africa so it was good seeing them before they had to leave. They also brought two boys with them that will be going to college in Michigan thanks to some donations. Can you imagine the shock of growing up in Africa to go to the snow in Michigan by yourselves!?! Wow.
Well, this year I have been on a mission to really make great strides in all areas of my life that I have been working on. I don't ever make resolutions but this year I did. So as well as improving on what I am doing, I made a list of those. I always try to be a better me and this year I was to really dig into that. I also want to share that with you while keeping track of it all. So, you can go to for my blog on all of that. I do hope it is something good for you as well! I have already been blessed because of my changes. Brooklyn told me yesterday that I was like a whole new mom. Talk about support! I hope to be that for all of you seeking improvements in your life.
Now to the pictures! Enjoy!


April Stilwell said...

Happy New Year! We love games too! Instead of electronics, I buy Brice board games for birthdays and Christmas and we play them alot!!! He looks forward to them. It's great time spent together as a family!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a great Christmas! I love the pictures. Hopefully soon we can see you guys again.