So, I bet you can't guess what the picture is about. Those of you out of state are thinking this is a photo of a beautiful December morning and that it seems to be about 50 degrees outside. You would be right! What you don't know is that this is also a picture taken at 7:00am on Friday.....Brooklyn's snow day. Yep, that's right...a snow day. Where is the snow, you ask? I am still wondering that. What happened to a 2 hour delay? Hmmmm.... I would like to know that too. I have realized that TN snow days are actually days when the forecast says "snow is possible". It is simply mind boggling to those of us that slid around on icy roads and still got in trouble for getting to school late or road the bus with chains on the tires to make it up the hills. Well, now you see a TN snow day.
Well, due to the raging winter here in the south, I couldn't finish my Christmas shopping Friday. Instead Brooklyn and I finished up all the gifts we had to get for Scott, my mom, her teacher, etc. We got to the stores when they opened and then went to lunch at O'Charley's. I haven't been there in years! Before we had lunch we went to Bed, Bath and Beyond which was playing a demo tape on their TV. Brooklyn started touching the buttons while we were standing next to the TV and I explained why she should leave it alone. Well, when we walked back by the TV the temptation must have been too much because I see a hand go up and then hear "KSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH". I immediately told Brooklyn she had to tell one of the workers she turned the TV off. To which she was quite nervous about. It was my lesson for the day and I expected the worker to say something along the lines of "Oh, which tv? Thank you so much for telling me" .... however, she was very nice about it and couldn't have cared less. I know this because she said "Oh gosh, who cares! It's no big deal". Oh, well. I tried.
Saturday Scott stayed home with Brooklyn and let me go out to finish my shopping. It was WONDERFUL! I not only got my Christmas shopping done but I also had lunch out while having my oil changed, got my weekly grocery shopping done and just enjoyed some me time! I spent three hours out and when I returned home, I had a spotless house!!! What a great guy I have!!! I got to relax with Scott and Brooklyn without having to stress over housework. Instead we made buckeyes! We actually made a ton so both Scott and I took them to work so we could effect other people's waist lines!
Speaking of which, I have been eating horribly! I can not wait to get back to eating healthy! That isn't going to start this week though. Tomorrow I have a work lunch party and then my mom will be here. Yea! I am taking mom and B to ICE at Opryland so I am super excited about that. Who doesn't want to see a giant Grinch carved out of ice or go down a giant ice slide?!
Hopefully I will get a lot of fun pics!
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