Tuesday, February 24, 2009

And we're back.

The last month has been awful for our Internet connections! It seems like the company is trying to fix the problem but it has turned out to be larger than they expected and as a result, I have been able to get on the Internet in 5 min increments, once a day. Hopefully this works once I finish and try to post!
February has been wonderful. Valentines was a special day for all as Scott got B and I giant cupcakes from a gourmet cupcake shop in town. MMmmm, were they good!! I don't even like frosting but the 5 feet of frosting these had must be what clouds in heaven taste like. On top of that glorious treat, Brooklyn got a new outfit, book, stationary, mini strawberry plant, art scissors and who knows what else. :) Scott walked away with some new books, flip flops, movie, candy and is still waiting on his ear buds. They were back ordered:( I had a blissful day of gifts. Scott made a valentines play list for me that was combined with a journal he made listing all the songs and their words....and pictures! I got new cookie sheets and lots of other little goodies. We all went to dinner at Olive Garden which I love. I haven't been in over 2 years because Nashville doesn't have any and you have to travel to one of it's suburbs to get to one. I was so happy to be having salad and bread sticks that I filled up and had barely any of my dinner. It was a great Vday.
Last weekend I had to do some shopping so B and I hit the mall on Friday. I let her go to Build a Bear and use her gift card and coupon. B really wanted a new bear and was about 6 dollars short on a Bear and outfit so I said I would cover the rest. She was SO thankful. My eyes teared up when she said "Momma, thank you so much." It was so heartfelt and nice to hear. After that we hit up a couple of stores so I could get some jeans and bras. Thank GOODNESS! I was in need.
Sat B and I had a lunch and movie date. Subway and Hotel for Dogs. It was nice to have a Mommy/Daughter weekend. Scott had to work all weekend but we made the most of it!
This year Scott and I are trying to give each other a night out with friends a week. It's been so nice for each of us. I don't leave B with just anyone, anytime so it's hard for us to get out together. However, we still need interaction with our friends. Scott has been having poker night with his friends each week and I have been doing dinner and movies or drinks with a friend. I think it's been refreshing for us.
Today I went to the doctor and had enough blood drawn to start a blood bank. They are checking every level you can think of, hormone, thyroid, sugar, everything. I am hoping to find out the results by Friday. Looking back it seems my hormones have been out of whack since I had B and I am finally trying to get to the bottom of it. Let's hope it's a simple fix!!!
Well, I hope you are all having a great week!
Pics soon!

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