Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A bit of everything.

First let me say, I am still saddened by the loss of my team last night! I was so proud the first half, feeling like we were just playing like we do or did before! My team was in Nashville playing Monday Night Football and I was in my living room sporting my Manning jersey with 3 other people wearing Titans gear and eating some tasty chili. Sadly, we all know how that ended. I will give credit to the Titans. They've always been my number 2 team and it's nice that they are finally playing some really fantastic football. They've definitely had a hard time gaining respect in the league, I think. So, Congrats TN!

This week I have still been cleaning like a mad woman, with the exception of last night and tonight. I ate too much schnitzel at my Oktoberfest luncheon at work yesterday and the leftovers today. Ugh. My body isn't use to such food. It's left me feeling like Violet in Willy Wonka. At any moment you will see me balloon into a German potato and roll around my house. Anyway, I've been bleaching and disinfecting everything. I still don't see the difference but at least I know I'm getting to that stuff I normally don't. The other day I actually moved the washer and dryer and swept underneath. I was prepping the laundry room for our new task: Recycling! I feel bad that I am just getting around to this. It's something I have been wanting to do but have just never set down long enough to figure out what I needed to get and what goes where. I need to get one more bin but I think I've got a good system started. I plan on dropping off on Sunday's so I can pick up the Sunday paper while I'm out. This way I can start getting into that other thing I keep trying to do. CLIP COUPONS! Maybe I will even get to Goodwill to drop off all that stuff that is sitting around!

My mom is coming to visit on Thursday! I'm pretty excited as Scott has been working straight for 2 weeks almost and will still be working when she comes. I need some adult conversation! Plus, I think we're going shopping and she is bringing down a dress for Brooklyn I had her pick up for me. A couple friends of ours are getting married on Nov. 8Th and it's a great time to dress up as it's Black Tie optional. I wanted to get B a nice dress but they don't have dress shops down here like they do back home. I love this little dress shop back home where B has gotten most of her holiday dresses since she was born. Mom went by there and sent me a bunch of photos on my cell so I could pick one out. I'm glad she's able to bring it down.

B has been extremely funny lately. Tonight she was talking with "Sass" which included her saying "Girl" at the end of every sentence. She was also playing drums on her bowl and telling me I needed to put her in Rhythm class. The night before last I asked her why she insisted on taking the onions out of her pasta yet she loves onion rings. I stated these were just onions with breading around them. Her eyes instantly got huge and she said "Mom!! How dare you say that? Onion rings are tiny circles of happiness wrapped in love!" I burst out laughing. She is the funniest little lady. We spent this past weekend going to the library and doing some Mother/Daughter shopping. We had a blast on Sunday. I realized on Saturday that B and I have two very different opinions when it comes to some things though. While shopping I kept picking out my idea of cute clothes for her. She said no to just about everything. I decided to just let her pick out an outfit. She definitely picked out something opposite of my sweater dresses and leggings but she still looks super cute and I love that she has her own style. **For some reason it won't let me post a picture right now so I will soon!

1 comment:

Sue said...

When Bridgette started to voice her opinion about her clothes it was usually just the opposite of my taste too. So now when we go shopping I just pick up something that I like and say I hate it and then she loves it. haha A little exaggerating there..but almost true. Have fun with her before she turns into a teen. It gets a little hairy after that.